Car Park Digital Signage | 6 Effective Uses for the Parking Industry

Car Park Digital Signage | 6 Effective Uses for the Parking Industry
West Edmonton Mall Car Park [Image Credit: Quora]

Car park digital signage is a relatively untouched goldmine, brimming with the potential to enhance the customer experience, exploit new advertising and revenue generating opportunities and improve car park security. With that in mind, here are 6 effective uses for outdoor digital signage that car park operators should be making the most of...

The world's largest car park is the West Edmonton Mall facility located in Alberta, Canada. It has a whopping 20,000 spaces, plus 10,000 extra spaces in an adjoining overflow car park. A parking facility of this size is crying out for car park digital signage, but like so many car parks worldwide, outdoor digital signage is a notable absentee.

Why Car Park Digital Signage is a Must for the Parking Industry

1) Wayfinding

Whether it's providing clear directional signage in a multi-storey car park, having standout signage in a poorly-lit underground parking facility or a wayfinding system for a parking area the size of West Edmonton Mall's, car park digital signage ticks all the boxes.

One of the most common customer complaints about parking facilities worldwide is the lack of clear directional signage. Upgrading to digital signage removes the limitations of standard signage from a wayfinding perspective.

For instance, directions painted on the floor of a multi-storey car park can be easily missed because a driver has so much to concentrate on, whereas digital signage can be positioned at eye level to make directions unmissable. It will improve the customer experience.

2) Improving Car Park Security

According to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Statistics, a vehicle is stolen every 44 seconds in the United States. In the UK, a report published by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) in December 2015, shows that police failed to investigate 30,000 car thefts due to budget cuts.

A high number of car thefts in the UK and the US occur in car parks and with police forces stretched, the onus is on car park operators to make users feel that their vehicle is secure. Car park digital signage can do just that, displaying security alerts likely to deter any opportunistic car thieves.

3) Essential Car Park Information

In a number of countries, it's a legal requirement for parking facilities to provide opening hours and parking charges. Car park digital signage enables parking operators to display essential information at a car park's point of entry, making it unmissable.

Making your operating hours and fees easily and quickly identifiable increases the chances of a driver using your facility and ensures that you don't miss out on any revenue.

Car park digital signage can be used as part of a pay station
'Car park digital signage can be used as part of a pay station.'

4) Displaying Speed Limits

Managing safety in a car park is crucial, especially with pedestrians and drivers all on the move at the same time. Car park digital signage is an effective way to display speed limits and to remind users that vigilance is required when navigating through a car park on foot.

5) Advertising

Digital signage an opportunity for advertising
'Digital signage represents a prime opportunity for advertising.'

Digital signage doesn't have to be all about displaying information, it's a great way for car park operators to generate additional revenue. You can rent out car park digital signage to businesses in close proximity to your parking facility, giving them an advertising slot.

The car park is normally the first port of call for shoppers at a retail park or inner city mall. However, very few operators capitalize on what is an awesome revenue generating opportunity. Many retailers would pay a premium to position their brand, products and services in front of car park customers.

6) Car Park Events

Digital Signage in Car parks
'Car parks are often used for events, representing an opportunity for digital signage to make an impact.'

Car parks worldwide are used for more than just parking cars, they're used for hosting social and community events such as car boot sales, swap meets and even small concerts.

Tying in with the advertising stream, this is a perfect opportunity for parking operators to utilize car park digital signage for promotional purposes. In fact, you can use one digital signage network for multiple uses during an event taking place in a car park.

The added benefits of digital parking signs

Car park digital signage is far more practical than standard, static signage. Take changes to parking prices or adjustments to operating hours… With static signage, such changes require an approximate 14-day turnaround time for printing and delivery etc...

...There's no such problem with digital signage, operators can change prices and switch operating hours almost instantly via a content management system.

Meanwhile, advanced digital signage systems can be used to gather data on customers. The car park industry is a hotbed of data, gathering information on occupancy rates, payment transactions and duration-of-stay data, which can be used to optimize pricing structures and even create digital content relative to specific car park users.

Equally, digital signage can remain operational 24/7, even outdoors. The emergence of outdoor digital signage enclosures means that you can install screens outside, protecting them from the rain, sun damage and vandals.

Car park digital signage has a multitude of uses and gives operators a flexibility with their signage that has never been seen before. Overall, digital parking signs represent a huge opportunity to improve the customer experience and better manage parking facilities.

To discuss digital signage solutions for car park facilities, call Armagard today on +1-866-434-0807. Alternatively, you can email