Say ‘Happy New Year’ with Digital Signage

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How can conveying New Year salutations with a digital signage advertising system win you more business? Find out now…

Digital signage doesn’t have to be all about advertising products & services, there is a benefit to using a ‘less is more approach’. Simply conveying a message wishing consumers a ‘happy New Year’ can have a powerful effect.

No matter what industry sector you’re in, whether it is retail, health & fitness, hospitality or healthcare, you can use a digital signage advertising system to good effect, wishing your customers a happy New Year.

Not only will you reap the benefits during January, your gesture will remain with customers throughout 2015, generating more business because they remember you.

Digital Signage Advertising System
‘Armagard’s versatile Digital Signage Advertising System.’

Why Use a Digital Signage Advertising System to Say Happy New Year?

In your role as an individual, sometimes ‘you’ are a consumer and occasionally it’s nice to know that traders are not just after your cash, wouldn’t you agree?

In the aftermath of Christmas the coffers of many consumers will be low, especially until the next pay day. So, connecting with customers without pushing products or services is an excellent way to arouse interest in your business.

This is where a digital signage advertising system can serve your business well. How? You ask. By using it as a brand recognition tool.

Rather than selling a product or service, change tactics and sell yourself as a business by using a sincere ‘happy New Year’ message to connect with your audience.

Showing your audience that you value their custom is a much more attractive way of presenting yourself to customers. Why? They feel appreciated, less pressured to purchase from you and this benefits you because subconsciously your brand remains in their thinking.

Planting the Seeds

The purpose of using digital signage as a way of saying happy New Year is to sow seeds. Think of it as ‘planting your brand’ with a view to it bearing fruit throughout the year.

While consumers may not be in a position to purchase goods and services from you in the early weeks of 2018, a digital ‘happy New Year’ message keeps you in the spotlight.

If customers can associate your brand with a particular product or service of interest to them, your New Year salutations could translate into leads, sales & revenue, throughout 2018.

When the Novelty of New Year Wears Off

Beyond New Year salutations, a digital signage advertising system delivers multiple benefits, far more superior than other advertising platforms.

Most important to you as a business is that digital signage gives you ownership of your advertising, freeing your business from the shackles of advertising agencies, print media or other ‘traditional’ messaging platforms.

Traditional advertising methods command too much time, too much money and are susceptible to human error. Too much is out of your control.

Your own digital signage unit, Armagard’s 55” digital signage enclosure is a prime example, represents advertising freedom & flexibility for your business.

Digital signage totem
‘Armagard’s Outdoor 55” Digital Signage Enclosure Unit.’

If you consider the constraints of using print media for example, you are at the mercy of their deadlines, you have no say in where your advertisement is positioned [unless you pay extra for the privilege] and printed publications have a limited shelf life, with no guarantee that you have hit the audience you intended.

A digital signage advertising system is not bound by such limitations. You can position your digital display in a location that generates the audience attention you desire, indoors or outside.

Indoor Digital Advertising
‘Armagard’s Indoor Digital Advertising System.’

You can quickly & conveniently change content to suit the needs of your business and advertise for an indefinite period of time. There’s no limit, no delays and no disruption. Keep your advertising flowing continuously all-year-round.

OK, Digital Signage Gives My Business Advertising Freedom. What Else?

More Exposure – How? Every other advertising platform sees you surrounded by other adverts. TV, newspapers, trade publications, even the internet are constantly flooded with messages that are suffocating yours.

A digital signage display removes the clutter, it’s a messaging system dedicated to your business only. No longer are you lost in the labyrinth, you have a system that is visible, clear and arguably, much more targeted than other platforms.

Various Revenue Streams – Aside from generating revenue as an advanced customer service unit at the point of sale, digital signage gives you a revenue stream no other media platform can offer. Your business can rent out a digital signage unit for a fee.

This is a unique way of reaping additional revenue and making money back on your investment.

Brand Recognition & Advertising Continuity – Traditional advertising methods have a shelf life. TV adverts get forgotten, newspapers are thrown away and your online advert is quickly replaced by the next customer on the conveyer belt.

Switch to digital signage, for example Armagard’s Outdoor Digital Signage unit, and benefit from a degree of permanency. Lasting 10 years or more, an opportunity exists to keep your brand in the spotlight constantly, building rapport and becoming familiar to audiences.

These Benefits are Great, But Isn’t Digital Signage Really Expensive?

Cost is often the deal breaker when it comes to digital signage installation, but we want to make it clear to you that digital signage is inexpensive.

We won’t lie to you, installing a digital signage network will require a reasonable investment. However, the long-term savings represent great business in terms of total cost of ownership, which will make your accountant and your boss very happy.

If you were to total up the advertising spend of your business over the last 10 years, chances are it would far outweigh the cost of installing and maintaining a digital signage network.

Great Savings – Using other advertising platforms, besides digital signage, is like renting a house, you’re paying someone else for the privilege, without actually owning anything. You’re simply paying for space.

With a digital signage system, you have ownership. No longer are you throwing money at traditional advertising methods expecting different results.

The limitations of ‘old-school’ advertising are quashed by the ability of digital signage to ‘reach’ further while costing less.

How Does Digital Signage Compare?

Digital Signage vs Advertising Agencies – A recent study – released by – reveals that the average cost a creative design agency should charge a client is £38,000 ($58,000 or €48,000) PER YEAR.

In comparison, a 2011 study from Wirespring reveals that the average cost of one digital signage system, operating for three years, totals $3,511 (£2,200 or €2,900).

Already, you can see that digital signage installation represents far better value for money.

Digital Signage vs TV, Print and Online Advertising – Digital Signage is a one off investment, there are no additional costs for changing content. However, traditional advertising methods limit you to one advert, if your business wanted to add more you pay per advert.

Over the course of 12 months, paying for prime space online or in print will lead to substantial costs.

The same can be said of paying for TV air time during peak hours. For example, using ITV to advertise to the whole of the UK during the early evening news, would set you back £24,667 ($37,000 or €31,500).

Your Future is Digital

The simple act of saying ‘happy New Year’, digitally, can lead to a prosperous 2015 and future years. Your audience is ready for digital signage. How do we know? Because Intel tells us that in 2015 there will be 22 million digital signage displays used worldwide.

It is becoming a messaging favourite across industry sectors purely because of the audience reach it has.

Talk to Armagard about Digital Signage

Ask us about our digital signage range. We have everything from indoor & outdoor units that can be used by ANY industry sector. Whether you’re a small, medium or massive business, don’t count yourself out, check out our website – and call us today on 1-866-434-0807 .

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